Before you want to get acquainted with this game from the creators Punch Quest, We dare to warn you, which, as it is appropriate for all kinds of games-“cuckolds”, Wayward Souls will make your hero die mockingly often. If this does not bother you in any way, we continue the conversation.
Pixel case
In one series of the provocative humorous series Family Guy (with us, he is better known as “Gryffins”) one of the black heroes presented his friends with a “monopoly for blacks”. According to the same hero, in this modified version of the game you can not win at all – you can only improve your skill from time to time. So, forgive us for an unexpected comparison, but Wayward Souls – This is just such a case.
Each game session here lasts no more than twenty minutes. Enemies have a fever, it is more difficult to cope with them, it becomes not enough damage from the use of special techniques, and fatigue from tense gameplay makes itself felt. In general, death overtakes a fragile researcher too quickly. The start of the next party does not guarantee you that next time everything will be easier. You see, in this game, as it is appropriate for any decent “cuckold”, absolutely everything can be random. Even the dungeons with their untidy inhabitants differ from locations from previous parties. Each race in search of treasures and adventures is unique – only manage to get used to the habits of modified enemies.
“Pumping” in its usual sense is not here. Wayward Souls It completely ignores concepts such as growth in the level and the accumulation of experience points. Everything is somewhat simpler – in dark dungeons, the hero collects gold coins, which he then exchanges for simple bonuses to characteristics. With weapons, the developers also simplified everything as much as possible – the characteristics of swords and knives are allowed to improve on special anvils that will meet in the dungeons.
The set of heroes is quite standard. There is a warrior, robber and sorceress. There are three of them at the start. Then the same amount is added to the choice. It is best for beginners to start with a warrior – it is much easier for them to manage, and the methods of fighting are very simple, based on rough power.
Another charm Wayward Souls – Enemies. They are moderately interesting, differ from each other with equipment, the style of battle and the speed of movement. Due to the variety of opponents presented, the passage of each stage of the dungeon is a real challenge of your dexterity and resourcefulness.
Wayward Souls – This is a generator of random numbers, which for certain needs is pretended by the game about the dungeons and dragons. If you are not distinguished by special mental stamina, it is better to refuse acquaintance with the game.
Pros: The “pumping” system simplified for the needs of the platform came to the place;complex, but interesting battles;Almost everything is subject to random generation – each adventure does not look like the previous.
Cons: All game audio is not impressive – even adjusted for style.
Wayward Souls
The best comments
Do not drive indie! Now are such times that large companies allow themselves to stamp the next shotgun-shooters with a semantic load, plot and gameplay level of the same Crimsonland. Not every indie can master the big and the project, and the point here is not even in money. And in the end, this is a game of a mobile phone, a game created for an excrete time, and not for great plots, graphones and many hours of battles.
And don’t drive Crimsonland!
Middle Class – companies not owning multimillion -dollar budgets and brands, riveting projection, and sometimes Trevak (the closest example of the Spiders studio). Yes, and who said that Indie is independent groups that have neither finances nor resources available to large companies, based only on their own forces, in other words, those very “amateurs”. These are just independent groups. But they are not obliged to be amateurs, they can consist of gamdressers of old hardening, who were drowned from their native studios. They do not have to be poor, you can collect a couple of thousand green on some kikstarter. Even indie in your nature is a variety of things, and you tell me that all the industry is divided into only two parts.
And if you proceed from your vision, then Indie and the mainstream are equal in rights and obligations, differing only in the presence or absence of the publisher, but when you are talking about the dominance of primitive and soulless projects, you accuse Indi, not the mainstream.
And what ** I am aaa merged from the niche of “smart” games? Only their pursuit of the dough is guilty of the propagation of indie, as high quality and not.
Firstly, no need to confuse the concepts of “amateur” and “amateur”.
Secondly, it seems to me, you do not understand the topic of the discussion a bit-indie and mainstream are not determined only by the budget, quality of products or the composition of the developers. If you explain very figuratively, then the mainstream is something official, and indie is unofficial. The middle class, “trashodels”, in principle, can not be in this scheme-the trash is released both in the mainstream and in the indie environment, these are completely different concepts. If the company has the support of the publisher who is ready to advertise, distribute, distribute, and t.D., then no matter how slag is the final product, it will be part of the mainstream, it will not create any new environment.
Oncoming question-but aaa in general was once something smart? Who in their right mind will spend a multimillion -dollar budget on something that is still unknown how the masses are perceived when there is a scheme of guaranteed benefit for the years? The mainstream is essentially a “pursuit of dough”, to blame him for this is simply stupid. But laziness of indie authors is another matter, how again I repeat-instead of creating something high-quality and sincere, they follow the worked out path of stamping of all mediocrity.
Each of us will still remain with our. I will only indicate my position once again-indie is no worse than the mainstream and have the same right to rivet stamping projects for the sake of dough and if you decide to accuse someone of soullessness, accuse everyone, and do not kick the weak.
That is, in other words, indie should be a sort of pipe version of the mainstream, games from the poor, so in your opinion? The same moose, only from priests? Funny, however, a look at things.
In one of my first posts in this endless series of meaningless attempts to publish, I wrote in direct text – indie and mainstream are not equal, neither in resources, nor in possibilities, and, in theory, they should not be equal for purposes. And once again I will try to explain the difference: the mainstream is an established profit system, all the segments of which are essentially striving for one – receiving from the greatest profit – t.e. In fact, ordinary pop, stamping on the developed stencil, and accusing the system, the only purpose of which is to please the masses and earn money on this is somewhat strange in the pursuit of profit, so because? And independent authors are limited only in terms of all the same resources, “primitive and soulless” while they will stamp consciously.
To fix it, I repeat: mainstream is an established system, a kind of chain, the links of which are interdependent and unchanged, while indie provides the author with freedom of choice. It is pointless to blame the mainstream of soullessness, while for indie soullessness is the absence of the most important, the very essence.
Indie here and? This is the trouble of the current Game construction in general, and not just indie. If Indie is afraid to take on something difficult and eventually gives out a killer time, not a masterpiece, then large companies are not allowing their funds not on the same masterpiece, but make another asasin (sorry that he mentioned in vain) which will bring another portion of the woman.
Yeah, and also hairdressers, bricks and cutlets. Mainstream – the main stream of industry, large companies, with multimillion financing;Indie – independent groups that have neither finances nor resources available to large companies, based only on their own forces, in other words – those same “amateurs”. Where did the trashoders get out of you, I personally can’t understand completely, explain the unreasonable.
Why should indi do something for the soul? Not everyone is given to create, but to create games all the more. If you say that there is nothing wrong with the fact that multimillion -dollar companies do not want to create, but they want money, then why is it bad for Indie?
So I am talking about-if, for example, to compare some conditional indie-RPG with some RPG level AAA (any dragon of the Aiga, witches, no difference, is suitable for any), the winner is clear without reflection-the winner-The difference in budget plan is solved, therefore, this conditional indie-RPG should win in technical terms-freedom, non-linear plot, originality. The same Crimsonland (excuse me that I mentioned in vain) at one time gained frenzied popularity precisely due to its originality – while other games were measured by the number of landfills on a three -dimensional carcass, he, scoring on the graphone, made all the emphasis on a powerful gameplay. Or in the same Shadowrun (not the one that Returns, but the one that is
on the Sega, and yes, it is not even indie, but nevertheless) the gameplay was more interesting, diverse, and much more drawn than in most games of the samethe genre of subsequent years, and freedom was decent. And this happiness weighed only one plastic and carbon cartridge (a couple of megabytes, for the uninitiated)-and this is much less than modern indie projects.
So it turns out that instead of a game, about which they will with a strangling and shaking limbs say “a masterpiece. “And keep on the hard drive for years, Indi teams spit on the market the next mediocre bumpman, which leaves only due to increased complexity
Here it is, the era of indie projects-instead of trying to make a game with an interesting and difficult plot or deep free gameplay, small teams continue to give out another shotgun-shooter with a semantic load, plot and gameplay level of the same Crimsonland. It’s a pity, however ..
And then. The mainstream is lying in the “Asasins”, the niche of “smart” games is free for indie – AAA projects are not observed there, it would seem, “create spiritual heart and for the soul”. So no, it’s easier to make ordinary “graps”, inferior in quality to the games of twenty years ago, to lift the bar of complexity to heaven – and et Voila, the new hit is ready. It turns out that indie, instead of being something sincere, from lovers of lovers, stupidly copies the soulless mainstream, covering all his holes with the words “hardcore” and “oldskul”. There is no plot? So old -wings, in Karatek, he was not there either. Boring gameplay? Cut the hit bar, multiply the number of enemies by 10, and let them respond, in hardcore!